Study Smart With the Top Android Apps for Students
Thanks to a slew of new Android apps, being a student doesn’t have to be stressful. While everyone is on their path to a higher education, some enjoy the ride more than others. This isn’t because they are disillusioned, they figured out how to tackle tasks efficiently. Developers haven’t ignored students’ cries for better programs, which has paved the way for a slew of educational apps. These transform tasks that used to be extremely time consuming into manageable speed bumps.
By taking advantage of these Android apps, students put themselves in the driver’s seat. With the help of a few programs, studying and completing homework become a breeze. Every year more educationally focused apps are released, so there’s no excuse to struggle. Even though the sky is the limit, this plethora of education apps makes finding the right one challenging. For this reason, we compiled a list of the best Android apps for students. They have changed the way people prepare for college, so hop onboard this educational revolution!
Best Android Apps for Students
Educational App #3: Sleep Cycle Alarm Clock – While this may seem off topic, this app actually addresses the number one problem facing students. Over the years, sleep deprivation has become an epidemic. Roughly one in four teens go to bed after 11:30, and these students normally perform worse than their peers. Lacking sleep increases depression, risk of obesity and causes a myriad of health and psychological problems.
For this reason, it’s essential to get your sleep schedule under control. Sleep Cycle Alarm Clock helps its users get the most out of their nights by monitoring sleep cycles. It uses the phones microphone and accelerometer to analyze your sleeping patterns. This allows it to track when your heaviest and lightest sleep states are. Once the optimum time is found, it will wake you up when its ideal. Users can set time constraints so they don’t miss out on any of their activities. It’s time to start sleeping profoundly, so quit cutting yourself short!
Educational App #2: EdX – While most people’s schedule is packed, sometimes its good to get some reinforcement. EdX connects college students to a shocking amount of material from leading universities. Harvard, MIT, UC Berkeley and more colleges participate in this innovative program. They provide online courses that give users an intimate look at topics. This material is perfect to reinforce what you are already studying. It’s always good to expand your knowledge, so get the upper hand with this app!
Educational App #1: LectureNotes – When it comes to breaking down the college experience, no app does a better job than LectureNotes. Their note taking interface is on another level. Users can attach images from their phone’s camera and even draw on the notes. Audio and videos of lectures can also be added with the LectureRecordings and LectureVideos plugins.
All these recordings can be easily re-organized to be reviewed later. Users can also export their notes to OneNote, Evernote or PDF format. To get started the app is free, but to get the most out of it users have to pay $3.49 for the full version. This is an all in one note taking app, so take the guesswork out of studying!